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A Legacy of Faith: A Prayer for Kingdom Marriages

Updated: Feb 12, 2022


I lift up the family cornerstones to you in this hour. May they be pleasing unto you. Let no man put asunder what you have joined together. In times of trial and testing, may we choose to hang on; may we hang on with the right heart and the right mind. Help us see our mate as you see them. Help us to focus on the strengths of them, and be patient in the negative things. Teach us your ways oh Lord so that we will be a physical manifestation of your love here on earth. Help us to remember that when we fall you will be there with us. Bind us with cords that can not be broken. May we walk in integrity and unselfish love from this very day. Remind us of why we fell in love in the first place when we feel like giving up. May your glory come forth in our homes. New days and new beginnings we ask of you right now. Old things have passed away; behold all things are made new. We declare new and great turnarounds be upon us wherever we may need them. Help us trust you in this covenant and walk out the blessings that you have ordained for us. We love you and we will continue to strive to serve you with our whole hearts. Renew the vision for the marriage that you have shown us that we have. Nothing is too hard for you God, so with you all things are possible. Good marriages we speak from now until the end; understanding marriages we speak from now until the end. We believe Lord, but help our unbelief. Help us to not get weary in well doing, for you declare that we shall reap if we do not give up. Give us your staying power despite the odds. Create in us clean hearts, and renew the right spirit within us, so that we may love like you. From this day forward give us the grace and mercy to love like you. In Jesus name Amen

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