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Out of the blue I heard: If God doesn't give you what you want, will you still serve him? I realized this was a rhetorical question because no sooner than I heard that, I heard: Why wouldn't he? If you abide in him and his words abide in you, then you can ask whatsoever you will and it will be granted unto you. This is the confidence that we have in him, that when we ask according to his will he hearth us, and if we know he hearth us then we know we have the petitions that we desired of him. Again, this is the confidence that he wants us to have. It is the details of how and when he will move that throws us off, but that is where trust in God has to step in. This is where we trust God and lean not to our own understanding.

The real questions are: Are you abiding in him? Are you seeking him? Do you love him? Do you want him for who he is? Do you desire his heart more than his hand? When we answer these questions, then we have our answer. The answer is worth repeating: If you abide in him and he abides in you, you will have what you ask. Why? Because when you abide in him, his word dwells in you. It shapes your heart according to his whatever you are asking in your heart, he gave you the desire to even want to ask for it, and if God gave it to you in your heart, and you ask for what he already desires for you then ...WHY WOULDN'T HE do it?

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