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Your Resurrection is in Demand!

Updated: Jun 26, 2023

In Demand: Needed or wanted by many people

For several weeks, the Lord has been ministering to me about the story of Lazarus. He highlighted the verse in John 11: 39b-40. Jesus had come to resurrect Lazarus and Martha said "Lord he has been dead four days and by now there is a stench. Jesus said to her " Did I not tell you that if you believe that you would see the glory of God?"

It is that part of the scripture that the Lord had me to focus on. From that came a question: What stinks in your life that appears to be UN-resurrect-able? The Lord's response to you is did I not say that if you believe that you would see the glory of God?!

Yes indeed! There is nothing too hard for God because he is the resurrection and the life, and he will breathe life into all that he has spoken. It does not matter how dead it seems, God CAN do it! Be of good courage and stand and see God's salvation! This fight is his! Just believe! Put all your faith in him. Eyes on him. Drown out the contrary and stand. You are in need of a resurrection and God is in the resurrection business, and he cares about the resurrection that you are in need of. Your resurrection is in demand; it is not only needed and wanted by you; it is needed and wanted by God for the glory of his kingdom. Just believe that he will do it; it is not only the Lord's pleasure, but it is his priority to do it for you!

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