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A Season of Humbling

A humbling season can be painful. When we know and believe we are great in God's eyes pride can take over. Pride comes in many forms. Often when people hear the word pride they think about someone who is outwardly and verbally arrogant. That is pride no doubt, but also a prideful heart can be at work on the inside even if there is no outward sign. On the outside, a prideful person can look humble and demonstrate many characteristics of humility. The dangerous thing about that is the prideful person that appears humble on the outside is probably not even aware that they have a spirit of pride. This same person will truly feel that they are doing right. In this moment I am reminded of the scripture that says that there is a way that seems right to man but in the end it leads to death. This is not just a word, this is my personal confession. Pride is like cancer and if it is not detected in time, death is certain. So be careful and take time to really slow down and really ask God to search and reveal your heart. You will be surprised by what he shows you be it good or bad. Love, Sabreena

Written on 2/3/20

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