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A September to Remember: This is Kairos!

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

I declared this word in September 2021 and it goes:

A September to Remember

I speak a word over you that this month be filled with progress, breakthrough, and unprecedented favor! May you see the manifestation of your heart's desires in Jesus name!💜

Another woman of God spoke the same words today(A September to Remember), and I was put in remembrance of the previous year.

It is amazing how God causes us to remember the things that we have forgotten. It is also amazing how he expands on a matter later. Here is the expansion:

What the Lord is right now compelling me to share is that this is kairos time. He is also reminding me as we as believers know, that September is the Hebrew new year. This moment is full of divine opportunity. As I researched further I came across a source that states that Kairos means "the appointed time in the PURPOSE of God; the time when God acts!" Wow! The words leaped off the page when I read it. The vision that I see is the pool of Bethesda where the angel went down at a certain time to heal those who made it into the pool. So how does this tie into now? The insight is this...We are in a similar moment. The water is stirring and angels are dispatched. The Lord is saying tap in! Tap in with your prayers. Tap in with your belief for the purpose and promises you have been believing for. Put all your cards on the table. Praise and worship him with all that you have. Do this even though you are totally empty. Do this like the impossible is tangible and standing right in your face. Believe him for the crazy, insane prayers. If you just believe again and truly give in, and be honest with yourself of how desperate you truly are for a move of his hand, then he is going to do the very thing that you can't in your situation. He is going to move what you can't. He is going to move what you have been trying to move in your own strength. This time it is ALL on him. The change in the circumstances of your life are for him to do. It is for him and him alone. You just make your requests known in this season and believe and then step back. Sometimes we hope for something that is not in God's time. I for one believed that Sept 2021 was the time, but it was not. It was heartbreaking, but as the Lord is telling me I tell you, believe one more time. We have loved, served, and believed too long in the Lord to NOT see his hand move for us! The devil is a liar! Believe that THIS is finally the collide of godly desires and godly timing, and that you are being remembered in September; for this is the kairos season for those who believe! May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he show you WHY he is God.

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