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Apply it and stand therefore

To the faithful weary heart…You are tired in the wait, and I understand firsthand. You are waiting for the Lord your God to manifest the things dearest to your heart. I get it! I get the tiredness of it all. Let me encourage us both with what the Lord has placed in my heart today. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, rulers of darkness and wickedness in high places. Mental warfare is the most tiring and breeds exhaustion, and therefore it is one of the most strategic and odorless tactics of the enemy. He wears you down in your mind first. When you come against the mind aka the head; everything else follows, and that has been his greatest tool against God’s people. Everything that means the most to you has been delayed and has placed the question in your mind if you heard God correctly. You may have even questioned if you hear God at all…But let us take our minds back! I am a witness that as you draw nearer to the father, he WILL weed out what he is saying from YOUR thoughts and emotions about your situation. If you have found that desires have grown as you have been more intimate with him, then these are the desires he wants for you. These are the desires that he wants you to grab a hold to and press in in faith, and by applying his word to your prayers concerning your situation. If you have a strong desire for a loved one to be saved, bring them to the forefront of your mind and then pray: Lord, it is not your will that anyone perish, but for everyone to be saved. This is spiritual law according to 2 Peter 3:9…Apply it and stand therefore and see the salvation of the Lord!!! This is your right as a believer. You have access to the spiritual realm. If Christ lives in you, you house the power and the authority to call those things that are not into manifestation. Like I heard a great man of God say, we can enter the spirit realm and tear down and move things around. When his glory is manifested in your situation, the joy of the Lord is going to overtake you. When that beautiful day comes, you will say with Joy in your heart “God has done it. I have fought a good fight and I have kept the faith. What God has said is so and what he said… he did! Hallelujah!”

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