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Dear Weary Heart, Press On!

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Dear Weary Heart,

Press on! The scripture says do not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart, but let us be honest…we still grow weary. That is why we need the reminders of the scriptures to encourage, re-encourage, to strengthen, and re-strengthen; because the Lord knew that we would face these times. This word is as much needed for you as it is for me. When I decided to dedicate my life to what God was leading me to do; I experienced chaos like you would never believe! I experienced hate that I could not fathom. When I tell you that I experienced hate, I mean the hate was so potent upon people that I could literally feel it! Let me say that again so you can get the picture…I could literally feel it! The hatred that the enemy has for the people who have hearts for Christ can’t be placed into words. The enemy hates mankind anyway, but he HATES with an unrelenting hate a child of God who follows him.

The weariness that you feel is because of the battle waged against you, so I come to tell you today to again Press on! Press towards the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. What does this press look like you might ask? It is you when you keep getting up in the morning! It is you when you read the word, and pray even though things appear worse and worse! It is you still choosing to stand and believe that God is real, and that he will come through for you! It is you when you are sad and heartbroken saying though he slay me, yet will I trust in you! It is you saying that he will deliver! It is you saying God is working even though I don’t see it! It is you saying I believe in his character, and his might in spite of the hell that I am walking through.

Now, do you see what the press looks like? I hope that you do! If you do not hear anything else…hear and remember this…IT WON'T ALWAYS BE LIKE THIS! YOU WILL WIN IN THE END! YES MA'AM! YES SIR! YOU. WILL. WIN. IN THE END! WHO IS YOUR GOD? SELAH! Now that it is in your spirit ,walk forward today like you serve a God who WILL NOT fail you...because you do!

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