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Elevating Faith

In recent times of racking my brain with various questions concerning what God is doing with my life and my walk, the main thing that is keeping me in faith is the question that Jesus asked the blind men during his ministry: " Do you believe that I can do it?" They responded with yes Lord and I echoed the same response with all my heart. My exact words was "yes Lord I believe." In the same moment of time, I was reminded of the scripture that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine. So keeping that in mind, I held and am holding that sentiment in my heart and in obedience, I am elevating my faith and trust to meet this fact.

The revelation here is that I have to stop thinking like a limited human and think with assurance that I serve a limitless God who is truly able to do the literally impossible with my life for his glory.

I know there is alot of I going on in this writing but I(lol) share it from an internalized place and hope that you who reads this will take up the same attitude and challenge to elevate your faith and trust God to do beyond what you can imagine with your life.

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