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Faith over Feelings

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

This is what the Lord is saying: You have believed. You have given me all you know to give through your prayers, worship, fasting, and your steadfast faith. I know that I can count on you. I know that I can trust you with it all now. I can depend on you to do the work that I have laid before you, and I know that I can depend on you to do it with MY integrity. Well done.

Now let me address the final place that you are in: You are in a battle with your feelings. The enemy is trying to use them against you. You have FELT multiple ways in this final season. Yes, this final season has been longer than man's season. This season has been one that you have never felt would end. You never knew that it would be this long, but it is finally coming to a close. This season has been a breakthrough battle for destinies and purposes. This is where the enemy has feared you would be, and this is where he purposed within himself to stop you at all costs; but you have overcome the wicked one because greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world. Listen carefully, your feelings are telling you that you have not overcame anything. Your feelings are telling you that it will never happen. Your feelings are telling you that you will never be who I have called you to be. I, your Lord, and your God have come to tell you that it is not so. The devil manipulates through feelings because that is what has been most readily available to him. Do not trust your feelings. Feelings come and go. Feelings are back and forth. One day they are up, and then they are down. No, you are not double minded, because I see your spirit and it is fixed. You often feel that it is not, but again, I tell you that your feelings are wrong. It is the spirit within you that I am leading. When you are feeling discouraged, dismayed, and depressed, this is a sign that your feelings are leading you, and not your faith. I speak to my children today so that I may recharge you, and that your faith shall reign over your feelings. This is your final push into what I have for you for your new season. The other side of the new season is in motion, and it has already broken forth. Things have changed despite your feelings saying otherwise. Yes indeed It really won't be long now. Hold on. I know you are tired. I am actively in progress of what I said. I am actively maneuvering things in your life according to my character and my purposes. Do not sacrifice before Samuel arrives. In other words, do not allow impatient and desperate feelings to drive you to act before I arrive. Remember that no sooner than Saul did that... Samuel arrived. Subject your feelings to your faith, and stand on your faith in me alone. I removed things that you thought you could depend on to bring you to this place. Everything that you could see as leverage to support your faith is now no more. What is faith, if you can see it? This next season only comes by faith alone. Let this word be your evidence that your faith is surely bringing forth what you can't see. This is not my first confirmation to you, but to whom receives this, it is my final confirmation concerning what I have told you in your spirit. There will be no tangible evidence that I have moved for you. It will only be a knowing in your spirit, and then it will suddenly come forth. Get excited because the next step is manifestation!

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