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He has already Won!

We all have fear; Fear of things, or places, or fear of failure. I believe we are living in a time that God is causing people to face their fears. Without a doubt that is happening now: Fear of death, Fear of lost of income, Fear of individual life circumstances, whatever it maybe if left unchecked it is paralyzing. The good news is that if God is allowing you to face a form of fear, he is also giving you the power and opportunity to combat and destroy it. He has not given you the spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. He does not want you to hide from or deny it, he wants you to engage it in the spirit, through prayer, faith, and in your words speaking against it with the word of God. It is imperative that you know and BELIEVE the word of God so that you may stand. I'm standing and combating just like you because there are no exemptions. We all are fighting personalized battles of the same war, however the great news is that we have the best fighter on our side, so we need not fear but stand in the confidence of he who has ALREADY won!

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