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Higher level Operation

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

I heard pastor Tamara Bennett (Tip Ministries, Sacramento, CA) tell some and remind others in one of her latest sermons that we as believers can not operate like the world. She also went on to say that we can not get caught up in the darkness and become dark too. This sounds obvious but it actually can happen subtly. I have reflected on some current issues be it issues that are currently plaguing the country, or be it personal. When I have examined my thoughts about the situation or situations, I see thoughts that do not line up with the attitude of God, and I have carried wrong attitudes sometimes unawares. If I were to ask you about Covid, protests, and the current politics of America, would your thoughts always be heavenly? Certainly not, because as the wise and direct man known as Greg would say "We are human!" (Love you Greg if you end up reading this lol).

We as believers are called to what I would term "Higher level Operation." In short, it means what I am sure I have said before; we have to think and act on the level of the Kingdom, and fight against the temptation that can so easily beset us to come down to the world's level. We can't get even, we can't refuse to forgive, nor can we do or justify anything contrary to the character of God. Now let me clarify, we can do the things mentioned above, but a believer at the core will know and will not remain at peace if they choose opposite of their true nature.

As we continue to walk in these dark times, I remind you as well as myself to try to make our best effort to display the light and be the salt during what is a dark and tasteless time. I believe that those who rely and look to God especially now, will experience great things and new relationship with Christ during and after this cloud passes. I am not saying that things will be great, and every bad thing that we are experiencing in the earth will disappear, however I do believe and I am saying that God's "true to the heart people" that love him will experience great elevation spiritually and otherwise on impossible levels, and will be rewarded beyond personal imagination for their faithfulness.

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