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I declare and I decree that it is by the power and blood of Jesus Christ and the authority given unto me through Christ that it is SHOWTIME! We take this final stand as we watch now as the Lord does just what he said. The glory of the Lord is falling. To the warring soldiers who have prayed for revival, justice, and swift reversals…the rain is falling, and your requests are made manifest. Yes ma’am, Yes sir, the things that God has told you and inclined you to stand for are not just because. The prayers that you have tried to let go of that won’t let go of you are being granted. The things that have been worse than ever previously, have met their expiration date! Glory to God! Feel the wind on the Lord’s words today!

Yes, I know, year after year you have waited for the same thing over and over. I understand this personally. The heart sickness of waiting has been a heavy burden that words could never express. You get your hopes up and then it doesn’t happen. You get your hopes up again and then it doesn’t happen, but I declare to you that this is a new day! God is moving now, and he is moving quickly. He is rewarding your long, persevering faith. He will not allow the same thing to remain in your heart if he wasn’t going to do it. He would not allow his people that genuinely seek him to keep a godly desire in their hearts if he was not going to fulfill it. If you know that you came to him and have continued to come to him with a godly desire in your heart, you can rest in him. If it was a desire that was not from him for you, he would have removed it by now. If you have continued to seek him, serve him, and you have been faithful with a pure heart, he would not have allowed you to continue to be deceived. Again, he would have removed the desire. He promised us that if we seek him with all of our heart that we would find him. You have sought him, you have found him, and here comes your reward. Let there not be any confusion for who this word is for…it is for his faithful people that believe that he is the source, and that he is the way. Be confident of your relationship with the Lord, as I heard my pastor say a few Sundays ago. Believe that he loves you and that he will move heaven and earth for you. You have believed, served, and loved the Lord too long to not see him move for you. This is not stated in an entitled spirit, but this is said in the spirit of the assurance of who he is.

Also, know this… to the ones that are praying for a family member...God gave you knowledge and a glimpse that he has a calling on their life…I declare unto you that your family is coming back to God. They will be a minister…They will be a teacher of his word...They will prophesy…They will lead with Holy fear…They will acknowledge him as their Lord and savior. The Lord is actively dealing with all of his “runners” NOW…Not later…NOW, because the grace has been removed and he is shaking up their lives and he is getting down to business. They have been running from and avoiding walking through a door of decision, but the Lord is saying this ends now. This is their “Choose ye this day moment” that YOU have been praying for.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer; Holy Spirit come forth now in power, conviction and in demonstration! So as it is in heaven, so shall it be on earth in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ who gave his life. May every principality and power bow to the name of our Lord and savior, and may no evil power or work hinder this word on this day! It shall be just as the Lord has said, and today wicked one “Come out of the runner.” “Your legal rights are destroyed, and you shall never return to the vessel of the Lord. IT IS FINISHED!”

Amen and Amen

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