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"Keys to effective witnessing"

#1 Check your mindset for:

-Superiority Complexes-Making distinctions between save and unsaved

-Discrimination and Prejudices

-Judgmentalness- Assuming the unsaved are not intelligent or just plain lost souls- Most people believe in God and know the basic fundamental principles. Many people have accepted Jesus, and just desire real encounters, and real people; but feel that they have yet to make these connections.

#2 Your goal is not gaining members to your church



-Impacting for Christ

-Representing his name

#3 Be personal and relatable/Let your personality shine

-Be humble and down-to-earth

-Do not engage people in conversations beyond your own personal relationship with Christ…REMEMBER we all still have PRESENT struggles and weaknesses.

-Engage people in basic conversations starting out, with topics such as kids, sports, the weather, etc

#4 Do NOT start conversations with “Do you know Jesus as your personal savior, or do you have a church home?”

-Phrases like this starting off can cause people to feel alienated and be on guard. They can feel immediate chastisement when they are approached this way. If this be the case, they will likely never step foot into your church.

#5 Use discernment in HOW and IF you should extend an invitation to your church

-It may not be you who the Lord is leading to extend the invitation.

-You can not pressure moments like this on people…This is sometimes why you can get people to come to your church, but they don’t stay.

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