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Premature Birth: God's promises and timing

Ever feel like your breakthroughs and promises are just delaying, stalling, delaying, stalling, and repeat? You may have also said "Lord when am I going to see this thing come to pass?"I have surely asked this question. In moments like this, my frustration can get the best of me. Today has been one of those days.

The scripture that came to mind in the midst of my frustration was "the lord is not slow in fulfilling his promises as some may count slowness." When I meditate on that, it reminds me that God's timing is not mine(ours). God does what needs to be done when he needs to do it. We can get discouraged when we are believing God for great things, but have yet to see them manifest. However, when we get in a hurry, we can start stepping out of his will and make messes that we will have to repent of later lol. Trust me! God works my impatience for my good, but I try hard to choose to learn the lesson of patience. I hope I have hit my head enough to not only know better, but to walk better. I hope the same for you that reads this.

We have to strive to trust God's timing. We also have to war against being desperate to the point that we try to go before him. It is not advisable to induce the birth of our promises and breakthroughs prematurely. Premature birth almost always leads to complications.

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