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PUT YOUR WEIGHT ON IT! God is putting you on notice

Updated: Jan 22, 2021

You know what's funny? I have come to a place where I ask myself, how many times have I surrendered what was mine? So I ask the question to us: how many things have we wrongfully surrendered?

One of the greatest deceptions is the saying "If it is God's will, it will happen." What a lie! I don't mean to say that harshly, but people buy into this idea. It's a lie because it is only half true; and a half truth is a lie. If God's will just happens, then why are we told by Jesus to pray that "thy kingdom come, thy will be done?" Selah

There are two wills at work. God's permissive will and God's sovereign will. God's permissive will is what he allows, but his sovereign will is his plan. Man has his own plans. Do you realize that when you do not yield to him, you could very well not be walking in his sovereign will for your life? Do you realize how many opportunities you could be missing? Just because life is content and routine for you, doesn't mean that you are living out God's sovereign will. This idea gives pause to reflection.

Understand that prayer is not a pitty pat thing. Prayer is warfare. In warfare, it takes a level of aggression to obtain what God says is yours. I came to tell you that there are some new and great things that God has for us, and wants to do through us. To obtain them, it will take a violent stance in prayer. The devil is not playing no games, therefore you can't either. I do not say that to glorify him, but we can underestimate the intensity, and we can be ignorant of just how potent his devices can be. God also wants me to tell you that the enemy is capitalizing off of the sleepiness and ignorance of the church.

The enemy has also seized victories and snatched things he was never meant to. This is because the power of God within some of us did not rise to the occasion. Some of us said in our hearts that well it wasn't God's will and God is saying no you didn't put your weight on it! You didn't keep praying about the matter and elevate in faith. You became discouraged and surrendered in defeat. You weren't stubborn enough, but the good news is that it is not too late to take back what was stolen. You see, the treasures God has set to release is being fortified by strong spirits. Strong, violent spirits. Please remember Daniel and how the answer/the breakthrough was held up! It is even worse now in this season, because the power of God and the miracles that God is releasing is greater than any eye has seen. I repeat: Put your weight on it and ask God to make your faith and prayers bold and aggressive like never before in this hour! Pray it through says the Lord!


If you know of anyone that needs this word and is wanting an intense prayer life, please consider sharing because we have to get our weight up in the spirit.

All my love,


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