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Revelation is essential: A Re-post

we look to pastors, speakers, and other believers that we feel have "arrived" spiritually to explain the word, and to give us revelation. Don't get me wrong, we should seek to hear the spirit led revelation of God's people. God speaks to us through his people, but he also speaks to anyone who has the heart and ears to hear him. So what am I saying? If you believe that God speaks to others, but he doesn't or will not speak to you, this is a dire untruth. He desires to speak to us all. Insightful kingdom revelation is for all of God's people. We just have to possess a humble and yearning heart to hear him. He doesn't have "a special few" that he will only speak to. Those days are over! When Christ died, he tore the veil so that anyone who accepts Christ has relationship through him. Since we have relationship with the father through Christ, we can come to God and get direct revelation for ourselves. In the life of a believer, personal revelation is meant to be both common and essential.

Original post date 12/23/20

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