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Surrender to the waves: My Testimony

Updated: Jan 1, 2021

So here we are! A new year! No one can argue that 2020 was full of challenges, however my reflection goes back to 2019. 2019 was the year that my normal was flipped upside down. 2019 was when my literal walk of TRUE faith began. The storms in my life were so vicious and so violent that survival for me looked doubtful. I say that from a spiritual point of view. Where I once felt sure, doubt filled me. When I felt that I had conquered one wave, another one came. Do you know how it is when you are in the ocean and the waves rush in one after another? What about when you are in the ocean and a wave comes that you hadn't seen?

The waves of 2019 came in various forms: self-doubt, abandonment, betrayal, and in several other unforeseen circumstances. I began to question my faith, and my ability to hear God's voice. I also angrily questioned God's will for my life. The waves of 2019 rolled right into 2020. Nevertheless, in time, endurance took over. I could not lift myself out of the pit that I was in, but God showed me how to work from it. As I became more desperate for his will, he showed me that I had been walking out his plan the whole time. Every wave was a strategic set up. Out of the pit came a walk of faith blog, podcast, and youtube channel. I was ushered right onto the shore of my purpose and my passion. Even now I don't see it all, so I continue in a walk of faith, but now I try to surrender and ride the waves of God's will for my life. My faith is not perfect, and I do still experience doubt. My faith is a work in progress, but at the end of the day, I thank God because I have not seen a hungry day nor has my home been taken, neither has a utility been disconnected. My girls still have everything they need. Oh yeah! Did I neglect to tell you that I have not had a steady income since 2019? No one but God could do it! He takes care of those who love and seek him! Literally! I thank you all who read and have subscribed to the work that he has given me to do. It helps me to keep persevering in this hour. I do not take it lightly. From the bottom of my heart, thank you God, and thank you all for your support, and encouragement during this pivotal walk of faith journey.

All my love,


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