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The Revelation of the Accountable Heart

The Lord spoke to me and said that if a man is not accountable to me, he won't be accountable to you. If a man is accountable to me, he will be accountable to you. So what is accountability in God's eyes? In the revelation he gave me, he said that accountability is a constant surrendered lifestyle that makes a conscious effort to stay in step with the spirit of God, and when you get out of step with God you know it, and you will make every effort to regain step. Which means that, you will seek to mend offenses and be truthful in all you do, and acknowledge with loving kindness when you fall short. The opposite of true accountability is pride. Another killer to accountability is justifying wrong doing by way of excuses and blaming. Anyone that does this on a normal basis stunts their spiritual growth, and will remain in a state of immaturity so long as the behavior persists.

If we want to truly grow closer to God, go deeper into the things of him, tap into the deeper power of the spirit, and truly want to see our prayers answered, we have to seek to prioritize accountability before him. Accountability does not mean that you will be perfect, but as a word of caution, accountability can not be faked or manipulated either; for God knows the true nature in which the heart speaks, and he will deal with it accordingly. The world is waiting on the true accountable heart.

Edited 6/20/22

Original post " The Revelation of Accountability" 8/5/20

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