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Their burdens are not yours

I received a personal word, and I believe that it is also a word for those who are like minded. The God centered heart wants to help everybody. I must stress that a God centered heart is not one that does good deeds for people. How many of you know that dark hearted people do good deeds all the time? There is more to it than that. A God centered heart unselfishly desires for the people around them to win. A God centered heart grieves when they see people struggle, and they want to do something that will help relieve the burdens of others. What I am about to say may come across a little harsh or self serving, but as the Lord told me I will tell you: "Everyone's burdens are not yours." When I say everyone, I am speaking concerning those who may be close to you. I am sorry to say it, but as I am hearing the Lord in this very moment for someone, he is saying that "Your husband's burdens are not yours." I am unsure of why God went that way, but someone needed to know. Someone that will come across this word has been trying to uphold and do things for your spouse that they should be doing for themselves. The Lord never called anyone to be anyone's god, but that is in essence what many do unawares. When we depend on people to be the source of total fulfillment in whatever form it takes, we are making them our savior. We only have one savior and he is the son of man. He is the one and only Jesus Christ.

To those who have felt the burdens of others; this burden is too much for you. You were never built to carry it. This is not a word to inflict shame. This is a word for perspective shift. If someone has been needy towards you to the point where you feel nothing but frustration and drain; then they have perhaps made you an idol, or a crutch of some sort.

I am not quite sure how to put this next part but the best way is to say what the Lord is saying. Simply put...stop doing it. To those in the group that feel the drain...stop doing it. You have carried it for them, now they have to do it. "I am snatching the emotional and spiritual training wheels off says the Lord! The Lord goes on to say that you don't know it and you don't mean to be in the way, BUT you are in the way. I am allowing the burden to still be present so that they can learn to surrender. The process and the lesson is total surrender. They have to carry it until they break. When they finally break, I the Lord will lift it, because my yoke is easy and my burdens are light."

"It will not be easy says the Lord to step aside and stop helping and supporting them like you have in the past, but it is a new day. My people have to learn to be OK with people being offended by your actions, and by the words I endow in you to tell them. Offense is sure, but it is better to obey what I say. You will feel more empowered and lighter when you do. They will be alright. They will not die without your help. Let them go to their own devices. It's time! Because again: Their burdens are not yours."

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