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Wait...who do I serve?

I received some distressing news today. My first reaction was panic and reaction( yeah I mean it just how I wrote it...stay with me here). In my panic and reacting to the news, I realized I needed to just sit down. It took a little while but I realized rather quickly that I needed to stop reacting and panicking. I was surprised how quickly I was corrected in my thoughts. What could I do about the situation in that moment to change it? Nothing! What was the solution? I did not have one. What was panicking doing for me? It was making me frustrated and nauseous with worry. Why? Why did I even go there? Lol The great thing that happened is that before I knew it, I was brought back to myself. So after coming to that point, I realized there was/is no need to go through the mental turmoil. Sometimes, we have to get somewhere and sit down! My pastor has said that he has been told this many times, and I was reminded of that today. All that was set to be accomplished in this situation was frustration. It was meant to frustrate my faith and frustrate my prayers. If we get worked up enough we can't even pray. The words get blocked by our emotions and the disarray in our minds. That is one of the things the enemy wants to do. He wants to steal our peace, kill our words, and destroy our faith. He will and does pounce on the opportunity to cause disorder. He does not care what form disorder takes, just as long as it takes place. It can be suddenly and without warning.

In my wilderness experience walking with the Lord, he endowed me with deeper kingdom tools and understanding. We often don't realize to what extent things are deeply engrained in us, until it is forced to manifest. So I give the Lord praise for quickening my spirit to stand, and to overcome that moment. I further thank him for stirring my faith. In that quick turnaround, I was able to say: hey, wait...who do I serve? And doggoneit what did he SAY?! (sidenote: this was the part where I became quite indignant within myself!) Will he not deliver? Will he not keep me? Surely he will! This is his area...he operates in my favor and on my what did I do at the end of it all? I just worshipped and prayed in the spirit as he gave me utterance...The end!

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