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Lessons from the Valley

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

In our walk of faith, we often have many mountaintop experiences. I wish it were possible to always remain at the top, but every mountain has a valley. Even though the valley is the low point; it is also where the river flows. Where rivers flow, there will always be life and refreshment. This analogy speaks to our spiritual life as well. If we keep this example in mind, then we recognize that the spiritual valleys we face are necessary. As God refreshes our soul, he brings us to a place of surrender and desperation to learn his ways. In our surrender, we begin to see the following take place in our lives:

1. Your will and desires begin to harmonize with God's will

When you diligently seek God's will and ways, it changes your heart. God will grow the desires of your heart that are from him, and will reduce the desires that are not.

2. Your sensitivity to the spirit's conviction will grow

When you begin to learn the ways of God, you will experience increased awareness of your sinful proclivities.

3. Your need for approval dwindles

When God shows you who you are, you do not ask for opinions as much as you once did.

As long as we live, we will continue to have mountain and valley experiences. Do not lose heart in the valley. The valley is the breeding ground for lessons and blessings.

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