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Would you rather?

As I write this I wonder how many people died with their purpose and vision never realized. I also wonder what uncomfortable sacrifices are we willing to make and not make for the sake of our vision.

Many visionaries hit rock bottom before they walk into their moment of reaping. It's hard to imagine the challenges that it can take to get to a place of victory. For a long while, we heard or saw the benefits of someone's success but never really got the story of all that it took. My cousin who is very wealthy told me "people want my glory but don't want my story." Now let me say plainly that he is a believer, and gives God the glory, and has shared that the vision he received was from God and led to financial freedom and many other great things. "His glory" that he was referring was simply the financial benefit and was not speaking from a self made attitude.

I think we all know that our vision may not make you a millionaire like my cousin, however when we pursue the vision and purpose that God has given us we will surely reap peace and fulfillment.

One thing that I have always desired for my life is loving what I do. It has always been hard to be on a job where I was just working to get paid. I am on a journey now were I am seeking God's will for my life, and through the guidance of his spirit through relationship and prayer, I am making sacrifices and taking risks that sometimes make me uncomfortable. I also am aware that some who know me intimately often see my choices as irresponsible. I honestly understand their worry, and I am not always as confident as I would like to be in my choices. In moments of uncertainty, I make a conscious effort to hold on to three things: 1.To just stand and depend on the intimacy that I have with God. 2. Expect results and 3.The power of remaining silent because it allows me to tune out the voices of others, and desperately and humbly listen to the voice of God and his leading.

What I would want a reader to glean from all mentioned above is to not be afraid to make bold decisions, and wisley seek God first for the vision to be made plain, and ask God to help you to learn to trust him with what he has placed within you. Let your faith be the thing to pull those things that be not from the spiritual realm into the natural.

Oh yes it takes courage and practice, but would you rather live with the confidence that you are doing all you can in fulfilling your God given desires, or would you rather leave this world taking a dead vision with you?

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